AELers attend JASM 2022

The AEL represented us well as the Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting (JASM) May 14-20 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. See below for a list of presentations by our amazing faculty and students:
Jim Hood - Talk: Winter ice cover combines with other seasonal phenomenon to influence Lake Erie zooplankton dynamics; Session organizer: Spatial and temporal scales of stressor effects on ecosystems
Stu Ludsin - Session co-organizer: Exploring past, present, and future of Lake Erie: physicochemical and food web change and their application to ecosystem-based management; Talks: (1) An integrated approach to understand harmful algal bloom and hypoxia impacts on Lake Erie's food webs; (2) When nutrient abatement meets climate change: Projected impacts on Lake Erie and its watershed
Alex Cabanelas Bermudez - Seasonal hypoxia influences yellow perch spatiotemporal distributions
Lyndsie Collis - Meso- and microplankton grazing during harmful algal blooms in western Lake Erie
Rich Budnik - Cyanobacteria bloom effects on fish diet and habitat use in western Lake Erie
Devan Mathie - Phosphorus cycling during high flow events in the Maumee River watershed: A Lagrangian analysis
Hannah Moore - Watershed factors and age determine reservoir habitat and impairment for sport fish
Jenna Bailey - Changes in zooplankton phenology in western Lake Erie (poster)
Dan Peters - Zooplankton grazing on picoplankton and nanoplankton during harmful algal blooms (poster)