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Full publication list
- Sinclair, J.S., M.E. Fraker, J.M. Hood, E.D. Reavie, S.A. Ludsin. 2023. Eutrophication, water quality, and fisheries: a wicked management problem with insights from a century of change in Lake Erie. Ecology & Society 28(3):10.
- O’Donnell, D.R., R. Briland, R. Budnik, S.A. Ludsin, J.M. Hood. 2023. Trends in Lake Erie phytoplankton biomass and community structure during a 20-year period of rapid environmental change. Journal of Great Lakes Research 49(3): 672-684.
- O’Donnell, D.R., R. Briland, R.R. Budnik, S.A. Ludsin, J.M. Hood. 2023. Trends in Lake Erie zooplankton biomass and community structure during a 25-year period of rapid environmental change. Journal of Great Lakes Research 49(3): 685-697.
- Kreiling, R.M., P.M. Perner, K.J. Breckner, T.N. Williamson, L.A. Bartsch, J.M. Hood, N.F. Manning, L.T. Johnson. 2023. Watershed- and reach-scale drivers of phosphorus retention and release by streambed sediment in a western Lake Erie watershed during summer. Science of the Total Environment 863:160804.
- Sinclair, J. S., R. Briland, M.E. Fraker, J.M. Hood, K.T. Frank, M.D. Faust, C. Knight, S.A. Ludsin. 2023. Anthropogenic change decouples a freshwater predator’s density feedback. Scientific Reports 13:7613.
- King, W.M.*, S.E. Curless, J.M. Hood*. 2022. River phosphorus cycling during high flow may constrain Lake Erie cyanobacteria blooms. Water Research. 222:118845. *Authors contributed equally.
- Fraker, M.E., J.S. Sinclair, K.T. Frank, J.M. Hood, S.A. Ludsin. 2022. Temporal scope influences ecosystem driver-response relationships: A case study of Lake Erie with implications for ecosystem-based management. Science of The Total Environment 813:152473.
- Cross, W.F.*, J.M. Hood*, J.P. Benstead, A. D. Huryn, J. R. Welter, G. M. Gíslason, J. S. Ólafsson. 2022. Nutrient enrichment intensifies the effects of warming on metabolic balance of stream ecosystems. Limnology and Oceanography Letters 7(4): 332-341. *Authors contributed equally.
- Pace, S., J.M. Hood, H. Raymond, B. Moneymaker, S.W. Lyon. 2022. High-frequency monitoring to estimate loads and identify nutrient transport dynamics in the Little Auglaize River, Ohio. Sustainability 14(24): 16484.
- May, C.J., R.R. Budnik, S.A. Ludsin, D.R. O’Donnell, J.M. Hood, E.F. Roseman, E.A. Marschall. 2021. Evidence that copepod biomass during the larval period regulates recruitment of Lake Erie walleye. Journal of Great Lakes Research 47(6):1737-1745.
- Hood, J.M., L.M. Collis, J.D. Schade, R.A. Stark, and J.C. Finlay. 2021. Longitudinal patterns and linkages in benthic fine particulate organic matter composition, respiration, and nutrient uptake. Limnology and Oceanography 66(7): 2684-2696.
- Sinclair, J.F., M.E. Fraker, J.M. Hood, K. Frank, M.R. DuFour, A.M. Gorman, S.A. Ludsin. 2021. Functional traits reveal the dominant drivers of long-term community change across a North American Great Lake. Global Change Biology 27(23): 6232-6251.
- Wilmot, O.J., J.M. Hood, A.D. Huryn, J.P. Benstead. 2021. Decomposing decomposition: isolating direct effects of temperature from other drivers of detrital processing. Ecology 102(10): e03467.
- Heinrich, K.K., C.V. Baxter, A.T.C. Bell, J.M. Hood. 2021. Of olives and carp: Interactive effects of an aquatic and a terrestrial invader on a stream-riparian ecosystem. Ecosphere 12(10):e03789.
- Junker, J.R., W.F. Cross, J.P. Benstead, A.D. Huryn, J.M. Hood, D. Nelson, G.M. Gíslason, J.S. Ólafsson. 2021. Flow is more important than temperature in driving patterns of organic matter storage and stoichiometry in stream ecosystems. Ecosystems 24: 1317-1331.
- Junker, J.R., W.F. Cross, J.P. Benstead, A.D. Huryn, J.M. Hood, D. Nelson, G.M. Gíslason, J.S. Ólafsson. 2020. Resource supply governs the apparent temperature dependence of animal production in stream ecosystems. Ecology Letters 23(12):1809-1819.
- Nelson, D., J.P. Benstead, A.D. Huryn, W.F. Cross, J.M. Hood, P.W. Johnson, J.R. Junker, G.M. Gíslason, J.S. Ólafsson. 2020. Contrasting responses of black fly species (Diptera: Simuliidae) to experimental whole‐stream warming. Freshwater Biology 65(10):1793-1805.
- Nelson, D., J.P. Benstead, A.D. Huryn, W.F. Cross, J.M. Hood, P.W. Johnson, J.R. Junker, G.M. Gíslason, J.S. Ólafsson. 2020. Thermal niche diversity and trophic redundancy drive neutral effects of warming on energy flux through a stream food web. Ecology 101(4), e02952.
- Hood, J.M., J.P. Benstead, W.F. Cross, A.D. Huryn, P.W. Johnson, G.M. Gíslason, J.R. Junker, D. Nelson, J.S. Ólafsson, C. Tran. 2018. Increased resource use efficiency amplifies positive response of aquatic primary production to experimental warming. Global Change Biology 24(3):1069-1084.
- Nelson, D. J.P. Benstead, A.D. Huryn, W.F. Cross, J.M. Hood, P.W. Johnson, J.R. Junker, GM. Gislason, J.S. Ólafsson. 2017. Experimental whole-stream warming alters community size structure. Global Change Biology 23(7):2618-2628.
- Welti, N., M. Striebel, A.J. Ulseth, W.F. Cross, S. DeVilbiss, P.M. Gilbert, L. Guo, A.G. Hirst, J.M. Hood, J.S. Kominoski, K.L. MacNeill, A.S. Mehring, J.R. Welter, and H. Hillebrand. 2017. Bridging food webs, ecosystem metabolism, and biogeochemistry using ecological stoichiometry theory. Frontiers in Microbiology 8:1298.
- Nelson, D. J.P. Benstead, A.D. Huryn, W.F. Cross, J.M. Hood, P.W. Johnson, J.R. Junker, G.M. Gislason, J.S. Ólafsson. 2017. Shifts in community size structure drive temperature invariance of secondary production in a stream-warming experiment. Ecology 98(7):1797-1806.
- Benstead, J.P., M.A. Evans-White, C.A. Gibson, J.M. Hood. 2017. Elemental content of stream biota. In Methods in Stream Ecology, Volume 2: Ecosystem Function. Chapter 36, pp.255-273. Edited by G.A. Lamberti and F.R. Hauer. Academic Press, London United Kingdom.
- Vanni, M.J., P.B. McIntyre, … J.M.Hood and 72 others. 2017. A global database of nitrogen and phosphorus excretion rates of aquatic animals. Ecology 98(5):1475.
- Williamson, T.J., W.F. Cross, J.P. Benstead, G.M. Gíslason, J.M. Hood, A.D. Huryn, P.M. Johnson, J.R. Welter. 2016. Warming alters coupled carbon and nutrient cycles in experimental streams. Global Change Biology 22(6):2152-2164.
- Demars, B.O.L., G.M. Gíslason, J.S. Ólafsson, J.R. Manson, N. Frieberg, J.M. Hood, J.J.D. Thompson, T.E. Freitag. 2016. Impact of warming on CO2 emissions from streams countered by aquatic photosynthesis. Nature Geoscience 9:758-761.
- Sterner, R.W., J.M. Hood, M.R. Kearney, J. Urabe, D. Raubenheimer. 2015. Couples that have chemistry: When ecological theories meet. Oikos 124(7):917-919.
- Welter, J., J.P. Benstead, W.F. Cross, J.M. Hood, A.D. Huryn, P.M. Johnson, T. Williamson. 2015. Does N2 fixation amplify the temperature dependence of ecosystem metabolism? Ecology 96(3):603-610.
- Cross, W.F., J.M. Hood, J.P. Benstead, A.D. Huryn, D. Nelson. 2015. Interactions between temperature and nutrients across levels of ecological organization. Global Change Biology 21(3):1025-1040.
- Hood, J.M., C. McNeely, J.C. Finlay, R.W. Sterner. 2014. Selective feeding determines patterns of nutrient release by stream invertebrates. Freshwater Science 33(4):1093-1107.
- Benstead, J.P., J.M. Hood, N.V. Whelan, M.R. Kendrick, D. Nelson, A.F. Hanninen, L.M. Demi. 2014. Coupling of dietary phosphorus and growth across diverse fish taxa: a meta-analysis of experimental aquaculture studies. Ecology 95(10):2786-2777.
- O’Gorman, E.J., J.P. Benstead, W.F. Cross, N. Friberg, J.M. Hood, P.W. Johnson, B.D. Sigurðsson, G. Woodward. 2014. Climate change and geothermal ecosystems: natural laboratories, sentinel systems, and future refugia. Global Change Biology 20(11):3291-3299.
- Hood, J.M., R.W. Sterner. 2014. Carbon and phosphorus linkages in Daphnia growth are determined by growth rate, not species or diet. Functional Ecology 28(5):1156-1165.
- O’Gorman, E.J., D.E. Pichler, G. Adams, J.P. Benstead, H. Cohen, N. Craig, W. Cross, B.O. Demars, N. Friberg, G. Gíslason, R. Gudmundsdóttir, A. Hawczak, J.M. Hood, L.N. Hudson, L.S. Johansson, M.P. Johansson, J.R. Junker, A. Laurila, J.R. Manson, E. Mavromati, D. Nelson, J. Ólafsson, D.M. Perkins, O.L. Petchey, M. Plebani, D.C. Reuman, B.C. Rall, R. Stewart, M.S.A. Thompson, G. Woodward. 2012. Impacts of warming on the structure and functioning of aquatic communities: Individual- to ecosystem-level responses. Advances in Ecological Research 47:81-176.
- Sterner, R.W., G.E. Small, and J.M. Hood. 2011. The conservation of mass. Nature Education Knowledge 3(10):20. Link to article.
- Finlay, J.C., J.M. Hood, M.P. Limm, M.E. Power, J.D. Schade, J.R. Welter. 2011. Light-mediated thresholds in stream-water nutrient composition in a river network. Ecology 92(1):140-150.
- Schade, J.D., K. MacNeill, S.A. Thomas, F.C. McNeely, J.R. Welter, J.M. Hood, M. Goodrich, M.E. Power, J.C. Finlay. 2011. The stoichiometry of nitrogen and phosphorus spiraling in heterotrophic and autotrophic streams. Freshwater Biology 56(3):424-436.
- Hood, J.M. and R.W. Sterner. 2010. Diet mixing: Do animals integrate growth or resources across temporal heterogeneity? The American Naturalist 176(5):651- 663.
- Persson, J., P. Fink, A. Goto, J.M. Hood, J. Jonas, S. Kato. 2010. To be or not to be what you eat: regulation of stoichiometric homeostasis among autotrophs and heterotrophs. Oikos 119(5):741-751. *Authors contributed equally.
- Sterner, R.W., T. Andersen, J.J. Elser, D.O. Hessen, J.M. Hood, E. McCauley, J. Urabe. 2008. Scale-dependent carbon:nitrogen:phosphorus seston stoichiometry in marine and freshwaters. Limnology and Oceanography 53(3):1169-1180.
- McIntyre P.B., A.S. Flecker, M.J. Vanni, J.M. Hood, B.W. Taylor, S.A. Thomas. 2008. Fish distributions and nutrient cycling in streams: can fish create biogeochemical hotspots. Ecology 89(8):2335-2346.
- Hood, J.M., S. Brovold, R.W. Sterner, M. Villar-Argaiz, K.D. Zimmer. 2006. Near-infrared spectrometry (NIRS) for the analysis of seston carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus from diverse sources. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 4(4):96-104.
- Hood, J.M., M.J. Vanni, A.S. Flecker. 2005. Nutrient recycling by two phosphorus rich grazing catfish: the potential for phosphorus-limitation of fish growth. Oecologia 146(2):247-257.
- Elser J.J., K. Acharya, M. Kyle, J. Cotner, W. Makino, T. Markow, T. Watts, S. Hobbie, W. Fagan, J. Schade, J.M. Hood, R.W. Sterner. 2003. Growth rate-stoichiometry couplings in diverse biota. Ecology Letters 6(10):936-943.
- Vanni M.J., A.S. Flecker, J.M. Hood, J.L. Headworth. 2002. Stoichiometry of nutrient recycling by vertebrates in a tropical stream: linking species identity and ecosystem processes. Ecology Letters 5(2):285-293.
- Flecker A.S., B.W. Taylor, E.S. Bernhardt, J.M. Hood, W.K. Cornwell, S.R. Cassatt, M.J. Vanni. 2002. Interactions between herbivorous fishes and limiting nutrients in a tropical stream ecosystem. Ecology 83(7):1831-1844.
- Frost T.M., J.P. Descy, B.T. DeStasio, G. Gerrish, J.M. Hood, J.P. Hurley and A. L. St. Amand. 1998. Evaluations of phytoplankton communities using varied techniques: A multi-media comparison of lakes in northern Wisconsin USA. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 27(2):1023-1030.