AEL well represented at OCAFS Joint Meeting

The AEL was very well represented with attendance and presentations at the Ohio Chapter of the American Fisheries Society joint meeting with Pennsylvania and West Virginia chapters. The meeting took place in Wheeling, West Virginia, March 4-6.
AELers presented seven talks and one poster, and enjoyed presentations from many colleagues from the Ohio Division of Wildlife as well as other researchers across the region.
Jacob Bentley Food Web Structure, Ecological Niche, and Niche Overlap of Blue Catfish and Other Sport Fish in Ohio Reservoirs Using Stable Isotopes
Lindsey Bruckerhoff Recovery of Intermittent Stream Communities across Variable Drying Regimes
Andrew Foley Using High Throughput Sequencing Genetic Analyses to Test for Consumption of Larval Yellow Perch in Piscivorous Fish Diets (poster)
Justin Furby Life History and Habitat: Influences on Larval Fish Growth in River-Reservoir Ecosystems
Steve Gratz Factors Affecting Variation in Fatty Acid Composition of Selected Fishes in Central Ohio Reservoirs
(recent technician, presenting on Jacob Bentley's work)
Ryan Hudson Changes in Functional Diversity of the Upper Ohio River Fish Community: Implications for Invasive Aquatic Vegetation Management
Andy Miller Identifying Broad-Scale Drivers of Riverine Fish Occurrence in their Native and Non-Native Range
Sam Truckly Assessing Walleye spawning habitat at nearshore reefs in the Central Basin of Lake Erie
(OSU technician at the ODOW Fairport office)
Kylee Wilson The Influence of Fishing Gear on Yellow Perch Catch Success in Western Lake Erie
Some conference highlights include Kylee winning best Ohio student talk and Andrew winning best Ohio student poster and best student poster overall, and Ryan winning the cornhole tournament!