Lindsey Bruckerhoff

Lindsey Bruckerhoff

Lindsey Bruckerhoff

Assistant Professor

224 Research Center

Areas of Expertise

  • Freshwater Community Ecology
  • Fish Population Ecology
  • Freshwater Conservation
  • Species Interactions


  • Ph.D. Kansas State University, 2020
  • M.S. University of Arkansas, 2016
  • B.S. Missouri State University, 2012

My research applies concepts from community ecology, population biology, and landscape ecology to inform the conservation of freshwater systems. I am interested in understanding how anthropogenic stressors at multiple spatial and temporal scales interact to drive community structure and function in aquatic systems. Much of my research also aims to understand the role of biotic interactions, especially with non-native species, in driving population and community change across landscape gradients. I use a wide variety of tools, including comparative field studies, experiments in the field and laboratory, and simulation modeling to address questions that inform the conservation of freshwater systems.

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