Great Lakes FST workshop a success!

The AEL hosted the Great Lakes Fisheries Science Training (FST) Workshop in Population and Ecosystem Dynamics from July 29 through August 6 of this summer.
Participants arrived in Columbus on Friday, July 29 and were greeted by workshop coordinators. Saturday they enjoyed lecture and lab sessions at the AEL, and Sunday they traveled to Stone Lab after a stop in Milan, Ohio, for stream sampling and a stop at Old Woman Creek estuary for kayaking and education on the unique value of the estuary. Participants then spent the week at Stone Lab learning all about fisheries science from a wonderful group of scientists and professionals in the Great Lakes fisheries science community.
AELers Stu Ludsin and Libby Marschall were workshop coordinators, Rich Budnik helped to shepherd the workshop to fruition before he moved on to a job a Ohio EPA, Jenny Pfaff and Melissa Marburger helped with logistics and planning, and Jenny and Kylee Wilson traveled to Stone Lab with participants and helped them throughout the workshop.