AEL at AFS 2020

September 21, 2020

AEL at AFS 2020

AFS 2020 Logo

Many AELers are presenting or otherwise participating in the American Fisheries Society (AFS) Virtual Annual Meeting. This year's meeting was originally planned to occur in Columbus, Ohio, and Stu Ludsin and others had already done a great deal to prepare when the meeting had to shift to a virtual event due to the covid-19 pandemic.

Symposium: Contributions of Research on Early Life Stages of Fish to Informing Fisheries Management

Organized by Stu Ludsin, Libby Marschall, and Zoe Almeida, this symposium seeks to begin to identify generalities regarding the use of ELSs to answer questions about the dynamics of fish populations (especially exploited ones), learn the state-of-the-art regarding how to use ELS investigations to address these questions, and identify future areas of research.

In this symposium. three AELers are presenting:

Symposium: Confronting Present and Emerging Stressors in Rivers for Global Fisheries Conservation

Libby Marschall, with colleagues James Garvey of Southern Illinois University and Michael Moore of University of Missouri, organized this live symposium which sought to identify emerging, globally relevant themes in environmental stressors of rivers, with a goal of finding tractable and portable solutions.

Other talks

AELers giving talks in other symposia include:

Additionally, Stu Ludsin was a co-author on a talk by former AEL postdoc Josh Stone titled, Hypoxia's Impact on Pelagic Fish Populations in Lake Erie: A Tale of Two Planktivores.