The AEL is a dynamic research group that seeks to advance knowledge and stewardship of lakes, rivers, and marine ecosystems worldwide.
The AEL is a dynamic research group that seeks to advance knowledge and stewardship of lakes, rivers, and marine ecosystems worldwide.
AELers are officially in the field for the season! Megan Herbruck, a master's student with Lindsey Bruckerhoff, has begun her field season in the Cuyahoga River tributaries. She is conducting…
Two AEL postdocs were honored by their selection to the President’s Postdoctoral Scholar Program. This program gives full support to researchers for up to two years and includes funds to cover…
Madeline Schumacher represented the AEL at the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society in Asheville, North Carolina, February 18-21.
They presented a talk titled, "…
Four AELers represented the Aquatic Ecology Lab at the Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference in St. Louis, Missouri, January 19-22.
Shaley Valentine presented two talks and hosted a workshop…