


New article in Global Change Biology!

Former AEL postdocs James Sinclair and Mike Fraker along with AEL faculty Jim Hood and Stu Ludsin as well as other collaborators have a new article out in Global Change Biology entitled,…

FST Workshop Flyer

Great Lakes FST Workshop Announced

NOAA's National Sea Grant College Program is sponsoring an eight-day Great Lakes Fisheries Science Training (FST) workshop in population and ecosystem dynamics, to be held during summer 2022. This…

Article Title page

AELers new pub in JGLR

AEL alumna Cassie May along with current AELers Rich Budnik, Stu Ludsin, Jim Hood, and Libby Marschall recently had a publication accepted in the Journal of Great Lakes Research. This paper…

AEL Publications

New Pubs - Ludsin and others!

A great batch of publications from Dr. Ludsin, Dr. Marschall, and past and present AELers including Zoe Almeida, Manju Manubolu, Rich Budnik, Mike Fraker, Becca Dillon, Joe Conroy, and Kevin…

Best Wishes Andrew Bade

Congratulations Andrew!

Andrew Bade successfully defended his dissertation entitled “The Behavioral Ecology of Walleye (Sander vitreus): Phenotypic and Environmental Variation Influence Reproductive Behaviors and…


Bade Exit Seminar - Aug 17

Andrew Bade will present an exit seminar on his dissertation work on August 17 at 9am. The title of his seminar is "How to Catch Lots of Big Walleye (and Other Stuff About Walleye Too)."

Publication header

New Ludsin & Marschall pubs

Drs. Stu Ludsin and Libby Marschall have two new publications on percids out this spring.

"Mixed-stock analysis using Rapture genotyping to evaluate stock-specific exploitation of a…

Farewell, Dave! Dave Dippold

Farewell Dave!

Dave Dippold completed his time as a postdoc this month and has moved on to a position with the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission. We wish him all the best!


New pub from Hood Lab

Dr. Jim Hood and grad student Lyndsie Collis recently published a paper in Limnology and Oceanography with colleagues Rebecca Stark, and Jacques Finlay, as well as John Schade, to whom the paper…