Hood Lab presents at 2018 Society for Freshwater Science Conference

May 29, 2018

Hood Lab presents at 2018 Society for Freshwater Science Conference

Society for freshwater science 2018 in Detroit, Michigan logo

Members of the Hood Lab attended the Society for Freshwater Science Conference in Detroit, Michigan from May 21-24. The theme was "Navigating Boundaries in Freshwater Science" and featured talks ranging from Great Lakes ecology to nutrient management in streams. Dr. Jim Hood, Amara Huddleston and Lyndsie Collis all gave talks highlighting their current research. Talk titles included:

Jim Hood: "Responses of Lake Erie phytoplankton communities to phosphorus, nitrogen, and silica loading from the Maumee River"
Amara Huddleston: "The influence of winter severity on the coupling between Lake Erie larval walleye and their prey"
Lyndsie Collis: "Interactive effects of temperature and nutrients on stream biofilm structure and function"