Grad student Rebecca Dillon presents at fish and fisheries meetings

February 21, 2017

Grad student Rebecca Dillon presents at fish and fisheries meetings


Rebecca Dillon attended the Ohio-Indiana Joint Chapters of the American Fisheries Society Meeting February 15-17, in Muncie, Indiana. She gave an oral presentation titled "Determining Potential Bias by Chaoborus During Hydroacoustic Surveys of Prey Fish Biomass in Ohio Reservoirs." Authors on the talk are: Rebecca A Dillon, Joseph D Conroy, Lars G Rudstam, and Stuart A Ludsin. She won the best student podium presentation award at the meeting.

Also, Rebecca attended the Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference in Lincoln Nebraska, February 5-8. She gave a poster presentation titled "Determining Potential Bias by Chaoborus During Hydroacoustic Surveys of Prey Fish Biomass in Ohio Reservoirs." Authors on the talk are: Rebecca A Dillon, Joseph D Conroy, Lars G Rudstam, and Stuart A Ludsin.