Glover receives funding for Asian carp research

October 1, 2014

Glover receives funding for Asian carp research

Dr. Dave Glover has received funding from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources and US Fish and Wildlife Service, appropriated by Southern Illinois University, to evaluate harvest effects on invasive Asian carp populations and movement along 286 river km of the Illinois River waterway. The primary goal of this research is to determine an optimal strategy relative to the location, timing, and intensity of harvest that minimizes the risk of Asian carp gaining access to Lake Michigan. The approach will be to compile all available information on Asian carp population dynamics and movement rates to create separate population models for each of the seven sections of the Illinois River, which are separated by lock and dam structures. Various modeling simulations will be used to estimate how seasonal movements by Asian carp between these seven sections could be influenced by harvest strategies. This project will involve close collaboration with other experts in Asian carp biology and population modeling from The Ohio State University, Southern Illinois University, Illinois Department of Natural Resources, US Fish and Wildlife Service, among others. The findings from this research will help guide Asian control efforts in the Illinois River and will provide a framework for harvest strategies in other invaded waterways as control efforts expand throughout the Mississippi River Basin.

To learn more about Dave's work, check out his website

photo credit: AP