Drs. Ludsin and Aloysius present at American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting

January 3, 2017

Drs. Ludsin and Aloysius present at American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting

American Geophysical Union

Stuart Ludsin and Noel Aloysius traveled to the American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting in San Francisco, CA during December 12-16.

Noel and Stuart served as the Primary Convener and Co-Chair, respectively, of a symposium entitled, “New Frontiers in Water Resources: Achieving Water Resource Security in Times of Climate Change, Urbanization, and Agricultural Expansion”.

Noel also gave a contributed talk on his past PhD research entitled, “Hydroclimatic Change in the Congo River Basin: Past, Present and Future”, and co-authored an invited talk entitled “Reducing Lake Erie’s Harmful Algal Blooms: Projection and Adoption of Management Plans”.

OSU released a news article about their research, to coincide with the AGU meeting.  It is entitled “Public willing to pay to reduce toxic algae – but maybe not enough” and can be found at https://news.osu.edu/news/2016/12/12/public-willing-to-pay-to-reduce-toxic-algae-but-maybe-not-enough/