Drs. Glover and Farmer - Contributors to new AFS book

March 24, 2015

Drs. Glover and Farmer - Contributors to new AFS book

Black Bass

Drs. Dave Glover (Senior Research Associate) and Troy Farmer (AEL Alumnus) contributed to a new AFS book entitled, Black Bass Diversity: Multidisciplinary Science for Conservation. Their chapter is in the "Biology, Ecology, and Life History" Section - Largemouth Bass in Coastal Estuaries: A Comprehensive Study from the Mobile-Tensaw River Delta, Alabama (Dennis R. DeVries, Russell A. Wright, David C. Glover, Troy M. Farmer, Michael R. Lowe, Alicia J. Norris, and Adam C. Peer). 

To order your copy of the book, go here.

To learn more about Dave's work, visit his website.

Photo credit.