Congratulations to AEL undergraduates

April 8, 2013

Congratulations to AEL undergraduates

Four of our AEL undergraduates received Undergraduate Research Office (URO) Summer Fellowships:

Chelsea Coble: EEOB-URO Summer Fellowship (working with Troy on his climate warming-yellow perch experiment)

Morgan Corey: Mayers Summer Research Scholarships in the Natural & Mathematical Sciences (working with Alex on his walleye stock discrimination project)

Matt Hodanbosi: Mayers Summer Research Scholarships in the Natural & Mathematical Sciences (working with Reed on his multistressor-cichlid experiment)

Allison McLaughlin: Mayers Summer Research Scholarships in the Natural & Mathematical Sciences (working with Reed on his multistressor-cichlid experiment)

Congrats to all of you… each is well deserved!