Annual AEL Holiday Party!

December 16, 2019

Annual AEL Holiday Party!

AEL Logo with a Santa Hat

The annual AEL Holiday Party was a success! Dr. Libby Marschall graciously hosted the AEL gang in her home for a potluck, white elephant gift exchange, and ugly sweater contest. There were 5 contestants for ugliest sweater, with two clear winners in Lyndsie Collis and Hannah Moore. Zoe Almeida has become so attached to her ugly sweater that she no longer finds it ugly (and apparently no one else did either since she was not a winner in the contest).  The handful of toddlers and children present were wonderfully behaved despite the abundance of delicious sweets, and George the dog likely also had quite a delicious day following in the children's wakes.  Techs, post-docs, grad students, and faculty alike all had a wonderful time! Thanks to Libby for her hospitality!