

Congrats to our undergraduate presenters

3 AEL undergraduate researchers presented at OSU's Natural and Mathematical Sciences Undergraduate Symposium: Morgan Corey, Matt Hodanbosi, and Allison McLaughlin. Morgan also received…

Now Hiring! - Full and part-time temporary positions

We're hiring! Check out our opportunities page under "Research Assistant Positions" for more information.

Ludsin, Briland, and Farmer - Ecological Forecasting: Hypoxia Assessment in Lake Erie


Press Release: Feb. 26, 2014Contact: Jim Erickson, (734) 647-1842,


EDITORS: High-resolution map of major Lake Erie tributaries available


research review meeting

2014 Research Review - a success!

The 2014 Lake Erie - Inland Waters Annual Research Review was a great success. Held January 16 - 17, 2014 in the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center, over 100 agency officials, students,…

New - CEAP project website available

Check out more about the project Stu Ludsin, Conor Keitzer, and their colleagues are working on: Western Lake Erie Basin Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP, for short) Also,…

Now Hiring! - Watershed Modeling Postdoc

Post-doctoral scientist in watershed modeling The incumbent will lead a major modeling effort in support of a funded 4-year NSF Combined Human and Natural Systems project that is investigating…

Welcome, Maura!

Maura O'Brien is joining us as a Research Assistant for Conor Keitzer, a post-doc for Stu Ludsin. She's joining the AEL to help with a project assessing the impacts of best management practices…

Peter Sale visits the AEL and OSU

Last week, Dr. Peter Sale, a world-renowned coral reef ecologist and climate change advocate, visited the AEL. He spent his two-day visit meeting with graduate students, giving an EEOB seminar, and…
Yellow perch

Article featuring Ludsin, Briland, and Farmer featured on

Stu Ludsin, Ruth Briland, and Troy Farmer are all highlighted in an article featured on The article details Ludsin's work on climate change and yellow perch, explaining what warming…