

Black Bass

Drs. Glover and Farmer - Contributors to new AFS book

Drs. Dave Glover (Senior Research Associate) and Troy Farmer (AEL Alumnus) contributed to a new AFS book entitled, Black Bass Diversity: Multidisciplinary Science for Conservation. Their…

Kallis and Marschall article highlighted in Fisheries

In January, the Journal Fisheries highlighted an article co-authored by Drs. Jahn Kallis and Libby Marschall, originally printed in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. The highlight…

Great Lakes Fishery Commission logo

Ludsin meets with GLFC BoTE

Stu Ludsin attended a Great Lakes Fishery Commission (GLFC) Board of Technical Experts meeting in Ann Arbor, MI on March 3-4.  At the meeting, Stu announced that Dr. Ken Frank (Department of…

2015 Research Review brochure

2015 Research Review - a success!

The Aquatic Ecology Laboratory and Ohio Department of Natural Resources - Division of Wildlife (ODNR-DOW) held their annual Research Review January 29 - 30, which showcases the work that has…

Marrin Jarrin et al. 2015

Ludsin and colleagues publish in Journal of Great Lakes Research

Dr. Stu Ludsin and colleagues recently published in the Journal of Great Lakes Research.

Check out the article here: Marin Jarrin, J.R., K.L. Pangle, J.M. Reichert, T.B. Johnson, J. Tyson,…

Microsystis milkshake

Ludsin and colleagues awarded grant to study impacts of microcystin

Stu Ludsin and colleagues received funding from the Ohio Board of Regents to conduct research aimed at understanding the impacts that microcystin poses to humans in the Lake Erie basin.  The…

Great Lakes

Ludsin and Briland attend IAGLR Directors meeting

Stu Ludsin (US Representative) and Ruth Briland (US Student Member) attended International Association for Great Lakes Research Board of Directors Meeting in Ann Arbor, MI during Feb. 12-13.

Sneak peek at Journal of Zoology article

Arnold, Farmer, and colleagues publish in Journal of Zoology

AEL Alumnus, Dr. Troy Farmer and AEL technician, Tyler Arnold, recently published a paper in the Journal of Zoology: Evidence for alternative male morphs in a Tanganyikan cichlid fish.

MBD Open House artwork

MBD Open House - a success!

With over 2800 visitors, the Museum of Biological Diversity's annual Open House was quite the success. Members of the AEL were proud to contribute to the effort.
- Ruth Briland
- Lindsay…